Our care philosophy and background
Since our inception, we have embraced the recovery model, an evidence-based, patient-centered model of therapeutic intervention that promotes patient empowerment, independence, and self-sufficiency as integral aspects of treatment.
Our care philosophy
Recovery Solutions creates therapeutic environments that support recovery through trauma-informed care—promoting patient empowerment, independence, and self-sufficiency as integral aspects of our treatment model. Recovery Solutions has embraced the recovery model since our inception, the principles of which are person-centered and encourage individuals to actively participate in their personal growth. We believe recovery begins as a partnership between the patient and the treatment team. We recognize this as fundamental and apply it to every aspect of service delivery.

Our approach assists individuals to make choices that facilitate recovery from mental and emotional disorders, is person-centered, and encourages the support of family, friends, and individuals in their social support system. It is successful only in an environment where trust and respectful relationships are developed and mutually experienced. In this type of environment, individuals can share their hopes, aspirations, and values in a safe and respectful manner. This approach is especially important for individuals with serious mental illness, as it helps them to identify as a whole person with hope and a sense of meaning and purpose in their lives. We share these core values with staff at the onset of employment and on an ongoing basis.

Recovery model principles include:
- Person-Centered Treatment: People recover at their own pace
- Respect and Dignity: All patients are treated with dignity and respect regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic background, physical and/or disability.
- Safe Environment: Persons are free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
- Promote Recovery, Independence, and Self-Sufficiency: Patients must have the greatest possible control over their lives and be able to make decisions with support of family and care givers.
- Personal Choice: Through individual treatment planning each person’s preferences are identified and respected. Choices are explored, and staff assist in guiding the patients toward sound, safe decisions.
- Achievement of Goals: Patients are supported in the treatment planning process to achieve the goals they have selected through staff’s support and guidance in formulating realistic measurable goals.
- Physical well-being: Medical staff join with patients to address medical needs and promote physical wellness.
- Support from others: Support from staff maximizes individual’s potential for recovery, along with involvement of interested parties that have been selected as supportive by the individual patient.